Monday,I was suppose to go for a trip to Pulau Langkawi for 4 days 3 night,but damn my legs!!they have to go without me now...Sob* Sob*
Everyone is spending their happy hol's after SPM freely while i've to force myself to lay down on a bed for nearly 37hours!!!im gonna rot soon,thank god i still have a com to accompany or else,i definitely will hang myself up.Then I've chat wif some friends that are very concern,just so lucky to have them.Kheen Ho told me he had fever & he vomitted,then somehow i wish i can trade our sickness,i'd rather have fever & vomit than being handicapped...stupid thoughts,thats for night,Fuhun came to my house and visited me.Then we decided to prank Chee Wei about my leg,make it sounds like THE WORST CASE SCENARIO.And,he actually felt for it!Soon Chee Wei realised its just a prank,he wanted to slap both of us so much,Piak*Piak* Ouch.Haha,but through our conversation he really did showed his care very much if i really were to be in a worst condition.Then,Chee Wei wasn't satisfied after B***slapping us so he punished us with 35sets of double toe touch for J.K and 60sets for Fu Hun...0.0,OMG~!!LOL
Tuesday morning,my HP rang and it was from How Ming.She asked about my condition so i replied that i was fine,she was relief.She even promised me to buy some choc from Langkawi for me.After the phone talk,i head downstair to play the com.Today i definitely feel better,so i wanted to blog about my handicap days.And here are some pic....
#Papparazies Snapshot Preview#

(Just My Luck)

(Where i spend my day)

~J.K Of The Day~

hey jun kang... many 'cute' pics.. hahaha.. take care..... =)
pity u eh?? hahaha....
i'm back from my trip!!
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