She'd awaken my thoughts to the reality,revealing the truth where all humanity lies...this isn't a simple world,but a world with full of thoughts..Its the world that we're facing,not our dream....
Maybe i was immature back then,dreaming fantasy,fairies,the dragons,legends...all sorts of nonlogical metaphores...She told me that to think in a fine line,not too positive,not too negative,but just fine..
But hey,i figured something,dreaming about fantasy isn't what i want,its a gift from God.This is a hint on where i shall lead in the future.Thus,its the art industry it shall be...
Dreaming fantasy isn't a crime,but it isn't advicable either...But to me i've a strong believe that this gift can lead myself to create fantasy beyond originality,and future kids will be able to explore my creation via online gaming...
To achieve my goal,the very 1st step to start is to blend into the art industry,and thus THE ONE ACADEMY!!

Perhaps people might think dreaming is too childish,but i think as long as your stepping at the fine line,its alright...and one day i shall prove to those whom critisized dreamer are lifeless...All i need is the time to proof.
#Papparazies Snapshot Preview#

(The guide to T.O.A)#Papparazies Snapshot Preview#

Well guess this post is to remind me the determination of my achievements,the desire to success and positive thoughts.The next 3 years is going to be a difficult journey,but fear not because i believe.
~J.K Of The Day~

1 comment:
I'm sure u'll be the best artist or something!!! wahahaha...
I'm still having the picture u draw when we were in standard 6...
u have had tat talent since very long ago...
I really respect u man!!!
cause i cant even draw a human which doesn't look retarded!!!
i'm sure u can achieve ur dreams and proove to ppl who look down on u tat u can do it!!!!
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