YES~~!!!Christmas Is coming in another 15minute & everyone is excited for the countdown. This is how Sunway Pyramid look like before midnight strikes. Cool huh?!and once you enter this zone, you've to be prepared to be equipped with snow spray to encounter any attack from anybody...Still dont get what i mean? Here's a pic to make you understand about the war..
Then i came about & met up with my primary friend Yu Thong, she was extremely hyper & got into the mood real deep~She sprayed me before she even said Hi to me. Hey~unfair!!! Thats It! Im getting 3 cans of spray with the cost of rm10. Ur so dead man Yu Thong!!! In the end i sprayed her with snow pokedots and she cant counter back because, SHE'S OUT OF SPRAYS~!!! don't know whos Yu Thong...?!Nah, there she is...We can make a really sweet couple isn't it?!Hahaha!!If she's my gf, I definitely wont get bored as she's a playful girl, the kind i like.Ehem* So 14minute has passed and we're getting ready for countdown. But we don't know when is the last 10sec, so we'll just wait for the shout from everybody when they start to countdown."10!!!" Ohh~!!thats the queue! get ready... ".....3, 2, 1, MERY XMAS~!!!!!!" and we all celebrated while sprayin anybody beside us...Yea, i got sprayed by some unknown girls ALOT OF TIME~! Haihh...Why me...?!
As time pass by, we decided to hang out in the Arcade with Yu Thong's friend, Shu Ying. We played the whackin korea games, Mario race car & Racing. We place a bet that whoever lost must obey what the winner asked. Essentially, Yu Thong lost to both of us so pitty her she MUST BE PUNISHED!!!And her 1st task, YELL OUT LOUD IN SUNWAY PYRAMID. Yeap she did it, just like this~
Ohh plz~!!Even pig squeeks louder than her!She's so shy!!! So i wasn't satisfied & i punish her again. Guess what she must do now?!?!
Haiyooo~~ She's SO NOT A POSER LIKE ME~~She didn't make it to the fullest la...haih, her mom called so guess its a Byebye to me...My mom ditched me till 4am though. So i took a lil rest at Friendster. I was so freaking bored i decided to snapshot pictures of drunken humans..Check them out in Paparazzies Snapshot Preview. And finally, Sunway ends up in a silent night under the moonlight.
I shall end my post with this pic "Lion Under the Moon Ray"
~Paparazzies Snapshot Preview~
(My primary mate, Wan Yi, Me, Hare, Yu Thong)

(NOOO!!!!Dont SPRAY MY CAMERA u doinK!~!)

(#1, Islam Drunkster)

(#2, Buddhist Drunkster)

(#3, Cheenah Lian Drunkster)

(#4, Ah Beng Drunkster)
~J.K Of The Day~
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