So i was so anxious that i told my mom about this, but she doesn't seem to care much. In fact she never bother to ask or be grateful for this happening. As usual la~5 years of cold threatment since i enter high sch. Oh well so i decided to call the taxi for the audition on Mon.
The taxi was suppose to arrive at 11.20. But instead it arrived around 11.50. And my audition is at 12, FUCK YOU LA STUPID TAXI DRIVER~plus the meter shows that i should only pay rm12.20, but he insisted me to pay rm15. Say what call fee yadayadayada~ahh crap just say you need tips your poor pig. Well so much so for this damn rule they paste it on the car...for fuck use..?

ehem*anyway...i finally arrived at this Carrot Films Sdn Bhd company. And its really hard to find as its not so famous yet...Then i head towards the gues counter & asked for detail. Then as i talked to her she just kept silent * stared at me for 5, 6sec, i thought she's adoring me or something then suddenly she disappoints me by saying, "Boleh cakap Bm aer?BI saya tak bagus la..". Waaa geng lo, a guest retail doesn't know how to speak in english.

The logo of the company is something like that la~~Don't know whether are you familiar with it...So Im having a hard time speaking BM with her as i sux at BM. Oh well, then she sort of explain roughly about how the audition will go blablablabla~~I THINK i understand what she says by nodding my head when she talks to me. So after she ends our conversation by saying "Faham tak?!", she passed me a form to fill it...WAOO~~i love the title...which they call it.. TALENT PROFILE~
After i filled my form, the lady giggled at me because i took out my camera and snapshot this form. " Sry yea~saya suka ambik gambar..so..." I said. The form detail was rather special, they even asked for my chest, waist, shoulder size, arm length & stuff...Waaa how i know wor...so i leave it blank...The next thing i know, she brought he to this auditory room with all the cameras & stuff, then she ask me to hold a card written my name. Something like a banduan like dat la..then she ask me to turn 60 degree left & right, front view, back view, 45degree left & right. Then she asked me to introduce myself and i did. After a while she pass me a short script which i must act out with 4 different kind of expression, Happy, Sad, Surprise & Angry...Well for all kinds of expression i think angry is my best, since i do look angry with my normal look. The sukiest was Happy & Sad. What i did for Happy was i smiled like a cheerleader 7 pose with a piss sign..MY GOD~the lady laughed at me when i did that..Sad was the "errrr...." part..so..i buat la emo emo~~HAih~~~Well somehow i did entertaint the lady...

~J.K Of The Day~

hey jun kang!!! i think we have something in common again! i've auditioned for tv host and kelefe before! hahx.. it was fun like urs too! of coz i cant get the tv host job coz i hav to work at singapore the mediacorp company and i'm not 18 yet~ lolx.. but i manage to become a kelefe for 3 hrs and get paid!! hahahahx... and taken many scenes lah! so all the best and i hope that u can do it! xD
good luck ;)
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