Well it didn't went as what they plan.At 7.30pm,the damn raingod juz have to pick this right time and pee all around Charm's prac,as if he wants to curse Charm like dat...WTF,no more sembahyang to you Raingod,You Sux...
Prac location has been shifted to BB gym centre,thank god we have Mr Chong there to lend us the gym as trainin location.And the prac is about to start right.....NOW!!!
Hmmm...now we're currently stated as the Junior Junior,cute right?hehehe,then the 2nd comes Junior and lastly,Senior.Well thats how the protocol goes...Dun care much anyway....And Chee Wei is teachin us cheer dance!Wuhuoo!!!(i thought it will be something cool)but it turns out,its juz an ordinary move from Vulcanz...Sigh*I wanna learn new things~~
Well eventually the dance trainin lasted for 30min,and i wasn't even feelin proud to actually got the steps that I've learnt before...(But i get to giggle at those who cant catch up,evil me~).But through my observation,there's this guy name Yu Sern,he's quite good...he catch up the move very fast,and i can actually see he locks...(which most of them did not do).And he's only 14 year old!!!My God,talented!!bright future in Charm...
Hey Nana's here!!!Thank God!!!i finally got a partner!!but in the end we got seperated during Stunting prac.Guess what we did!?Thigh Stand!!!AMAZING RIGHT?!(Damn Sacarstic weh~)
Well after the practices,suddenly saje Chee Wei asked me to lead the cool down...But oh well,i just follow the order.And hey!i finally made some friends there!!!
New Charm Friend
-Yu Sern(natural born cheerleader)
-Zhi Wen(14 yr old girl)
-Atika(SO CUTE!!She's only 11!!!)
-Yu Hong(Calyx All Boy Fella)
-Chi Yen(Calyx All Boy Fella)
Sorry I'm bad at memorizing new friends,there's the Assunta girls & seksyen 8,9 fella too..but i didn't get to know them,maybe next time...hehehehe~~~
And spending a time out with Charm is really interesting,they even teach me how to get posessed by Britney Spear when i go for NS.Memang WTF sial~The gimme gimme more pose* and so on,that really tickled my laughin nerves...Haih,time goes by..and guess its time for me to go home...
3.12a.m...THE END
#Papparazies Snapshot Preview#

(The junior junior & 1 of the Calyx all boy,so semangat to wear the attire)

(Senior Charm are having discussion for the future performance)

~J.K Of The Day~

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