Definition Of Complusive Hoarding
Compulsive hoarding (or pathological hoarding) is extreme hoarding behaviour in humans. It involves the collection and/or failure to discard large numbers of objects even when their storage causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as moving around the house, cooking, cleaning, showering or sleeping. Hoarding rubbish may be referred to as syllogomania. A slang term for a compulsive hoarder is pack rat or packrat.
Appearantly,compulsive hoarding is one of a thing that you can find in my house,that just explain why i dun really agree people to party in my house.We did tried to have "gotong royong" last year,but the house turns out to be unchanged.Instead, the stuff just gets more & more.Seriously....
So for those who are out there having the same problem, you gotta warned your parents/yourself about this.I tried to warn my mom,but wat she replied was just no other than " None Of your business, just mind your own thing and dun "kek" me can d".Oh watever....up to you Mama... Well here's the 9 Wonders of Hoarding area you can find in my house...
# The 9 Wonders #

(Hoarding area 1, The Devices)

Hoarding area 2, Staircase)

~J.K Of The Day~

omg!!!i've nvr been in ur hse b4 but i get wat u mean by da hoarding thingy..aiyaya how u live there jk?hmm so hows ur room???i wanna c!
LOL...come to my hse la!!!i dun think u came to my hse b4 right?haha!!
lol... *speechless*
i think it was awesome some how...
like musuem saje~
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