Wehh sienz wehh..wana go genting?!J.K:
Waa you damn last min lo,OK JOM~!!Right...so this is how i got to go to my genting trip, Jason messaged me at 12.15am in the morning,then we start start to go to KL central at 5.15am...Damn Chun lo~
Well as usual the KTM arrived late,even in the midnight.Wat to do...Malaysia's timing maer~Then we arrived at Kl central and we had McD for breakfast...I ordered something new which is the 3 hotcakes with sausage,pretty much normal i would say...
It tasted like dorayaki if y'asked...Well as fast as we consumed all the breakfast we headed straight to the Bus station.The bus ticket + outdoor theme park + skyway cost only rm25.Freakin cheap sial...Then we finally arrived at Skyway.We sat the cable car and guess what we found out?!
YES THE FUKIN DOOR ISN'T TIGHYLY SHUT,MACHIAODIULANKAOLEIPETPETHAI AER!WE PAID RM5 JUZ TO SIT A FREAKIN NOT TIGHYLYSHUTDOOR FUK OFF MAN *sry lim goh tong*Anyway...We arrived at Genting after 5 min,but we couldnt play the theme park yet due to the terrible haze...Damn la.Suddenly a slut yelled my name so freakin loud in the first world.Its so freaking loud and everyone in the first world was wanderin who the hell is Junkang, guess which slut yelled my name?YES its YOU KARYN GOH~!!!
The lady wanted to lay down on my shoulder but in the end she failed,HOT ME~ehem*ehem*.WAT?!outside the theme park is RAININ n HAZIN?!Ohh DIAO LEI MAMA CHAO HAI AER,why rained when J.K is in the house?!?!haih...So I decided to have some sampat time with Karyn in the Snow World.And seriously,the snow is black in color,greyish.Dont ask me why...But what i care is the FUN time inside snow world...
"J.K's here".Cool MAN~!!!Haih,ehh the freakin haze n rain is GONE FOR GUD NOW!!!YESH!LIM GOH TONG MUST HAVE HEARD MY PRAYERS!~!Wuhupooo!!!Theme park here i come!!!!!YES when i was about to start havin fun,i see this...0.0
OHH FUK THE WORLD LA!!GODDAMNIT LIMGOHTONG !!!U BROUGHT THE HAZE N RAIN OUT BUT WHY THE HUMANS & ALIENS!!!haih...to sit on a 30sec ride,i've to wait for at least 1 hour...JESSSUS~oh wait...i spot a fella that i know?!HEy isnt that...!!*and here comes J.K screamin like a bitch....*JO LINGGGG~!!!!EMMANUEEEELLL~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
YES~!the fun is gettin better n better now!1st Karyn next Jo Ling...Damn cool~!!!We had fun on sittin the entire ride at the theme park.Truly,this is a remarkable trip.Haih...When we're about to hit on every ride the second time....THIS STUPIAK THING COMES AGAIN
OH FUK THE MOON LA!!THE HAZE IS BACK !!!*lim goh tong must have hate me for cursing him*.So we had sad time breakin through the tough wind & haze...freakin cold weh~Hmm,well its almost dinner time so we attacked the Food court.
RM18.50 for this dish n drinks...Not bad after all....But if my mom's here she'll definitely say this "Aiya rm18 can eat 4 dishes of Dai Chour in Taipan d,why you pick so expensive de,haih.you think ur dad rob bank d meh?only knows how to spend,duno how hard earnin money is *(&)&!^&#%)(*&!^*!^...."Seriously la,if you can find a dish that is cheap,Then im definitely not dining at GENTING d.My mom has this auntie thinking,EVERYTHIN MUST BE CHEAP...i'll definitely not getting a gf like her man...*pity my dad though**giggle*.So we had our dinner and we chill around in the indoor for quite alot of rounds...Until this hour strikes...
4.01am..SIOT~!!!my leg hurs like mad...so i decided to sleep here,*i nvr rent a room,too exp*.So I slept on a bench in Starbuck.basically i became the sleeping model inside starbuck.Everyone was looking at me,but oh well..i dun care...Zzzzzzz....Until 7.15am, i decided to wake up & leave Genting...Then i waited at the bus station for nearly 2 hours,waiting for the bus station to open.Then this guard came in and say,"Due to the terrible haze,the station has shifted the operation downhill"OH FUK THE SUN LA,i spent 2 hours waiting like a dog and now u tell me i've to sit Skyway back down!?FUK THE WORLD UPSIDE MAN~YOUR SERVICE SUX BIG TIME~
This trip is seriously damn kao tiring...Oh well here are some testimonial that i wana leave.BB GENTING~!!FUK YOU HAZE~!!LUV YA KARYN & JOLING~!!SRY JASON~!!MISS YOU,MY STARBUCK BENCH~!!
P.S* SHIT LA~!!TOTALLY MISSED CHARM'S PRAC,sry cw~!!!thats it,6sets of double whip for me!*Where the hell is centre point wehh~*
#Papparazies Snapshot Preview#
(Jason & Jason)

The way u should eat at Starbuck)

(The cutest thing i've ever seen)

(Snow World's jacket,seriously IT STINKS~!)

(Our hair all messed up after Snow World)

(Jacky the Sparrow pirate clown)

(Got really frustrated on waiting)

(Space shot rox my balls~!!)

(Emma & I playin 17snapshot pose,*The best pic*)

(Emma & I fighting through the tough wind)

(My favourite pic,In the elavator)

(Photobuff with Jo Ling & her BF)

(Wat i eat at 1.45am)
~J.K Of The Day~
1 comment:
whoa...yeng hor u...
save cost save till like that..
y don't u bring ur tent there...lol
see u around..
take careZ!
miss eeu!!
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