Tuning to You And Me - Lifehouse
Summerdelic is on at Mid Valley!
Finally its the performing day for CHARM girls. After my Undang test, Florence picked me up from my house and we head to Mid Valley for their performance. Man I hate my Undang test! hate 41!!!! ehem*
So here's our CHARM babe, performing for Nike our main sponsor. And guess what? Nike gave out goodies for our girl! and the goodies aren't just any ordinary goodies...
Nat's happy face when she got her sport shoe.
So as make up artist had set hairs and make ups for the cheerleaders, it is time to depart to centre court of Mid Valley.
Basically these are the surrounding in Centre court. Fully packed and Malaysia's fashion designer are invited as guest to this Fashion show.
After a few minutes, Rudy & Ian officially starts the show as host. Welcoming our first performance the pole dancers!

Ongoing will be a female rapper, boy she rock the whole crowd on!
And next will be...the CHEERLEADERS!

Video of CHARM all girls performance, enjoy.
After our performance are the Fashion shows...Here are a few pictures of the Models.
Malaysia's Dream girl, Jay & I
Azura from Disney Channel
After the event, Eric came and Florence suggest that we go for Sushi for dinner. So we did.
Curry rice Set.
Sigh, Florence kept telling me how wonderful can we enjoy Sushi without worrying about eating too much. Well as we planned LAST LAST time, to go to Shogun. But...it seems that finance problem or time problem had delayed this promise to go Shogun. Hmmm I wander when can we go Shogun cough cough*FLORENCE??!?!
hehe, oh well its 3am in the morning now, gotta go sleep cause tomorrow shall be another day to coach VULCANZ babies~~ so Till The next post!
~J.K Of The Day~
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