Oh well.. It is just another day. Finally get to pass up my Figure studies homework, Phew~
Today's task was Mannequin drawing, with Charcoal.
When I complete this drawing, I am starting to be obsess with better body shape. Mr 57kg here is not happy with his current body >=(
So where else I went? Celebrity Gym of course, thanks to CHARM once again! for this free membership! Wuhuoo!
After class ends, I head to Sunway Pyramid and encounter this fish gallery. So i stop by and have a look. And they dare to present THIS fish in the fish gallery.

How unprofessional a fish gallery can be, Or should I say Malaysia's fish gallery? But i was wandering, does other fish has feeling when they saw a same species of corpse laying down there? Cause this is their expression when they saw the corpse.
Hmm I wander? Won't they go like OMG OMG there's a corpse! OMG OMG! what should I do?Bong bong bong~ (while knocking the head onto the fish tank constantly*)
So Off I go after a short visit at the fish gallery and head to the bus stop.
When the bus stops around Subang Parade, I found something rather interesting. It's Malaysian's attitude towards law.
Sigh, couldn't bother much...Lets just hope ALL OF THEM don't get saman.
Out of a suddden, Marcus Looi joke came into my mind, someone asked...What If the flyer can't listen when you tell them to lock?
Marcus Looi says
Call them to lock la
With what phone?
And soon enough everyone start to laugh, and it gives me another inspiration for a silhoutte t shirt design for cheerleading!
K enough crapping, time to GYM!
So here I go...
Huhhh~ And Again!
HAHH! pumpumpump!!!
Took me 45minute to pump that blady chest of mine, hurts like mad...But Im very satisfied with the result!
yea babe! but I'm damn exhausted as you can see ...But im satisfied~
Suggestion for those who want to enhance your muscles in pictures, try take angles from bottom to top when the lighting's on top

Eventually, the muscle looks triple the size.0.0!
But as I went back, the muscle shrunks as it heals. ARGH!!!
According to scientific explanation. During working out session, the tissue will expand through adrenaline rush while heavy weights were to be lift. As repetition occurs, muscle tends to accumiliate blood into the cell for regeneration process, inihiliating proteins, ions and H20 causing the muscles to expand for certain limit, As you cool down the muscle shrunk back to its original size or maybe an extension of a few nano milimeter in each muscle cells...blablablabla, why do we need regeneration!! Can't that blady muscle just REMAIN!? sighh~ Good body is hard to get, so guys please take as much picture of yourself before it shrunk back, at least..picture satisfies you...X3
Aiyaya...12.45am now, and I still have Design sculpture to be done. Tomorrow Coaching for Zodiac in the morning, so Halleluya to my beauty sleep again....Alright, Till the next post.
~J.K Of The Day~
Today's task was Mannequin drawing, with Charcoal.

When I complete this drawing, I am starting to be obsess with better body shape. Mr 57kg here is not happy with his current body >=(
So where else I went? Celebrity Gym of course, thanks to CHARM once again! for this free membership! Wuhuoo!
After class ends, I head to Sunway Pyramid and encounter this fish gallery. So i stop by and have a look. And they dare to present THIS fish in the fish gallery.
How unprofessional a fish gallery can be, Or should I say Malaysia's fish gallery? But i was wandering, does other fish has feeling when they saw a same species of corpse laying down there? Cause this is their expression when they saw the corpse.

Hmm I wander? Won't they go like OMG OMG there's a corpse! OMG OMG! what should I do?Bong bong bong~ (while knocking the head onto the fish tank constantly*)
So Off I go after a short visit at the fish gallery and head to the bus stop.
When the bus stops around Subang Parade, I found something rather interesting. It's Malaysian's attitude towards law.

Out of a suddden, Marcus Looi joke came into my mind, someone asked...What If the flyer can't listen when you tell them to lock?
Marcus Looi says
Call them to lock la
With what phone?
And soon enough everyone start to laugh, and it gives me another inspiration for a silhoutte t shirt design for cheerleading!

So here I go...
Huhhh~ And Again!
HAHH! pumpumpump!!!
Took me 45minute to pump that blady chest of mine, hurts like mad...But Im very satisfied with the result!

yea babe! but I'm damn exhausted as you can see ...But im satisfied~
Suggestion for those who want to enhance your muscles in pictures, try take angles from bottom to top when the lighting's on top

Eventually, the muscle looks triple the size.0.0!
But as I went back, the muscle shrunks as it heals. ARGH!!!
According to scientific explanation. During working out session, the tissue will expand through adrenaline rush while heavy weights were to be lift. As repetition occurs, muscle tends to accumiliate blood into the cell for regeneration process, inihiliating proteins, ions and H20 causing the muscles to expand for certain limit, As you cool down the muscle shrunk back to its original size or maybe an extension of a few nano milimeter in each muscle cells...blablablabla, why do we need regeneration!! Can't that blady muscle just REMAIN!? sighh~ Good body is hard to get, so guys please take as much picture of yourself before it shrunk back, at least..picture satisfies you...X3
Aiyaya...12.45am now, and I still have Design sculpture to be done. Tomorrow Coaching for Zodiac in the morning, so Halleluya to my beauty sleep again....Alright, Till the next post.
~J.K Of The Day~

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