It's just one pretty awesome reunion with my high school mates, well as what they say...high school life will always be the best, especially in terms of friendship.
Happy New Year to everyone, sorry for the late wish though. And here's a little update on how I celebrated my Brand new 2009year....

countdown begins and everyone was welcoming a brand new year at Jamie's house.

The house owner Jamie Yeo...Couldn't party without her assistance...^^

Buzy playing trump cards, and just when Daniel's evil thought of making people go Dizzy fissy...Here comes Mama Shuang keeping an eye on Daniel~

(Just so happend to take from this angle)
So....As Daniel's plan goes on...the 1st to go tipsy is....?

Victim no1, Yi Lyn~! NExt....!

Tiong Seng~~~SIGH...poor yi lyn got treated like sushi rolls

Though Yi Lyn is Cushion-ful doesnt mean you can sit on her ehh?

Alright guess its a GAME OVER now?
sigh well camwhore time with dudes n cutties...

ahhhh neighbours for....11years? Loh Xuan Juan ahh...until now aso i duno how to spell your name...sigh, failure me...

Surprisingly...Jit Yee haha

Pei Ann, she's just so cute she looks like her olden days where I always bully her at Uncle Lim's bus.

Hmm...the Joker Of the Day....She's just so funny la that day, remember to UPDATE OHH!

Tiong seng...hmm, How did i manage to know you at 1st d? Ahhh, KAryn GOh....

Yuan Shuang, Jamie, JK...the E.X 06/07 BOD member for scout

Daniel My Buddy, also rival in Ragnarok game...geesh talking about Lord Knight Vs Paladin...those days...

Haha Wai Kit Wai Kit, 1st time when we meet was his 18th b'day and i gave him a condom, he must have felt pretty weird that time..

hey hey hey, Karyn Goh Tze Wei..tsk tsk tsk Sampat as ever, no wander your one of my good buddy in class...Oh, and my 14years of friend Jolene? 0.0

Oh well so far so good la...
Happy New year!!!!
~J.K Of The Day~