Err...Whatever Street this is...Its just too much too shop and too much to see...
I Just cant blink my eyes....WAAAAAAA
!!!CHOTO MATE~!!!Orewa~Orewa?!....CONDOM SHOP DESU!?....okay! my 1st shop to enter~!
~..~ I just dont know which to buy, but forget about it...cause one domdom cost rm30-40, so i'd rather spend on something to eat..
YEA BABE~Sushi/Japanese Food Restaurant...~!
While waiting for our FOOD, PICTURE TIME~!
0.0...Salmon Egg sushi~!wouuu....(Karyn, jealous LEH~!? wait...there's more!)
Fatty layer TUNA, drool Karyn DROOL~!
Fresh blend TUNA roll, MUAHAHA see no touch for you Karyn!
Fresh sliced Salmon, covers the rice sumore....KARYN, want to kill me leh..HUAHAHA!nvm, i shall give you the ULTIMATE~!presenting~~
Seafood tempura, salmon, tuna, fish egg, Sotong, Lobster SETS!
( SO JEALOUS OF ME LEH KARYN, feel like killing me now right? muahahah)
K la...since your my fav sampat pal, i shall present you the way i EAT IT IN FRONT OF YOU!
(You hate me d Leh? HAHAHA)
Alrite, I am back down to the street!~! time to candid shot some really really interesting pictures....^^!
Ya think ur hair is punk enough?check him out....he is the lvl 1 punkster, HERE's LVL 2~!
FHualauwehh leh~!
My fav cosplayer, Kawaii~~~~~^^
So we walk down street till night time and Suzumi just realise she got to go back home early, so GUDBYE SUZUMI!
ok...I've taken all the humans on the street. Next is the SHOPPING MALL~!
Edran, Wai Kitt & Chee San's favourite place, LALA shop
How you spell McD in Japan...maceduonandaland*
Hentaisssssssssss !~! at 7-11~!!
Together having midnight supper~!
Then Shana begin her Lame mode, She was trying to ask for a water but don't know how to call, so all she said was the malaysian way, "harlo, hallo..."
Marcus : "This is not Malaysia la, they wont answer you if you call like that"
Shana :" Never mind, the Jug of water is in front of me, I'll take it myself"
*Shana took the jug*
*the chef came to serve our food*
Shana :" Omg omg!!! peikee, quickly hide the water...quick...under the table"
*then Marcus and us start to feel weird, why on earth she has to hide the water*
Marcus: " Why hide the water...?"
Shana :" Scared lah! later they all give me the X sign again"
Cheng Choo :" OOO OOO hahaha! TEDEE~!!!"
then cheng choo explained what is the X sign, so basically this morning Shana misplaced the towel on the table, and the maid was trying to tell her Don't that, but she couldn't understand Japanese so this is what happens!
~And we ended up laughing~

SO Yeap~!! The trip to Japan was amazing...Being a cheerleader was fun and enjoyable, This is the moment where Charm shows its unity among all the members...We eat together, Sleep together, laugh together, Thats the thing Im going through with them and I've never regret being a cheerleader & under Charm's family...

( SO JEALOUS OF ME LEH KARYN, feel like killing me now right? muahahah)
K la...since your my fav sampat pal, i shall present you the way i EAT IT IN FRONT OF YOU!
So we walk down street till night time and Suzumi just realise she got to go back home early, so GUDBYE SUZUMI!
Then Shana begin her Lame mode, She was trying to ask for a water but don't know how to call, so all she said was the malaysian way, "harlo, hallo..."
Marcus : "This is not Malaysia la, they wont answer you if you call like that"
Shana :" Never mind, the Jug of water is in front of me, I'll take it myself"
*Shana took the jug*
*the chef came to serve our food*
Shana :" Omg omg!!! peikee, quickly hide the water...quick...under the table"
*then Marcus and us start to feel weird, why on earth she has to hide the water*
Marcus: " Why hide the water...?"
Shana :" Scared lah! later they all give me the X sign again"
Cheng Choo :" OOO OOO hahaha! TEDEE~!!!"
then cheng choo explained what is the X sign, so basically this morning Shana misplaced the towel on the table, and the maid was trying to tell her Don't that, but she couldn't understand Japanese so this is what happens!

~And we ended up laughing~
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