Alrite alrite~here's the post that everybody waited since 29/12...
This is the flight view when we're about to aboard on Sabah's airport.Damn nice right??? After we aboarded on Sabah, i was so nervous....not because its my 1st time at Sabah but im nervous because i realise im one step closer to something called, B.A.L.D!!!
After a while the teachers in charge escort us to a bus and drove us to a hutan kampung like place which they call,Tuaran.After 1hour of ride,finally i've arrived at my camp location,KEM KK DI BAWAH BAYU~!!we were placed accordingly into our own dome after our attendance was taken...Here's how our dome look like...
DO NOTE THAT THIS PLACE doesn't have hot shower,air conditioner,computer & dreamland brand matress.So you can roughly imagine how I suffered during the 1st week.The food was not well cooked, sometimes you can even find bugs inside their dish. You must wake up early in the morning(5.45am) and line up outside just to sing Negaraku, lagu Sabah & lagu Khidmat Negara. Waking up in the morning IS SOO NOT MY THING~...So I skipped a few times of pebarisan during the 1st 2 weeks. Together with my frenz,King Tat, Chi Yee & Ming Fung, we'll always ponteng together, get punished together and skip the lame modul classes TOGETHER...So my starting was quite a juvenil boy....Ohhh, wander how I look like when im bald?haha~during the moment that PUKIMAK BARBER shave my head,my heart goes 140' rising. The sound of the shaver was so strong, i shut my eye as i felt my hair drop one by one. I dare not see myself in the beginning but in the end i choosed to stand in front of the mirror. as i stood...."AHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Well lots of activity going on in my camp. i took part in the lion dance performance during Hari Terbuka. It was 1st time doing such performance, so Iused a lil of myheer skills to buck up my locking ability as the Head of the Lion, we did a simple stunts btw, something like Head Sit. The 3rd week was scariest week so far. I saw this writing on my frenz cupboard....
The word " Jaga kamu pada waktu malam, ada hantu di pohon buluh " really gave me goosebumps when i read it.And during that night, "it" really appear in my dome.Its a shadow like thingy and i met it when i woke up and feel like pee-ing in the middle of the night. Well i guess i can hold my pee till the morning so Oyasumi~~~~~~goosebumps*,these is where i saw the thing~
Well the teacher did explain why the ghost oftenly appear around here. It's because the KELUAR word on top of the door is actually meant for it to see and go out from the dome. Thats why it appears there because "it" stares at the word and seeking for the way out~!!Eeeee shoo*shoo* i duwan to talk abt this anymore...Well after another week, i have 10 close frenz and finally we form the cina gangs...haha we bath together, eat together, play together...Its a real fun deal to do in NS. Well this week we had another performance to do for modul 3. And i took part to be a conductor and taught my group to sing in chinese.Here's how i look like during the performance..
Oh well i dont really know how to conduct but, at least thats an experience for me!!!Hehehe,the 5th week was the time we visit the Muzium Sabah....We explore the Rumah Panjangs & some ancient thingy thingy which we played and touched...Its really nice having frenz around and together visit the Sabah muzeum. Haih but this journey requires alot of walking and under we sweat alot while visiting the muzeum...
Well after we visit the muzeum, Islam members have to go to the Masjid and pray. Non Islam followed as well and we had our lunch outside the Masjid. The whole scene makes it looks like we're having picnic outside outdoor....Together with Jerry, Michelle, Nisha and Chi Yee...we snapshot some really crazy photos at the muzeum & Masjid. This is how I had my last lunch before I escape the camp...^^
pretty nice though...So after lunch break, we went back the camp. Chi yee, Ming fung & I packed our luggage and get out of the camp As soon as possible...And finally i can feel the air conditioner, hot shower and MAINLY~BAH KUT TEH~!!!!YUMMY~!!!well Chinese new year is around the corner, yet im not heading back to K.L. I decided to tour around KK and celebrate my CNY here, So to my frenz at K.L...I wish you Happy chinese New Year & my apologize for not celebrating with you guys this year....Well still I MISS YOU GUYS~!!!really hope to see you guys on the 11/3!!!!
~Papparazies Snapshot Preview~
(From left, Wye Mun, Me, King Tat & Chi Yee)

(Errr....Okie...So everybody is going to sniff ur underwear's smell??)

(How our cupboard look like inside)

(Yeap!!!thats a bird's head...It got sliced by the fan when it flew towards it)

(Kissy to King Tat, FAILED)

(Kissy to Chi Yee, SUCCESS~!!)

(Surprise B'day for Jolene Loh Tzia Tzia~!!!)

(Lion dance performance, Im the Head~on top!)

(Cina gang Boy & Girl version...Lion dancers & Fan dancers)

(Cina Gang bathing together in the bathtub!)

(My domemate got so bored he decided to act like a ghost..X.X)

(Visit in Rumah Panjang)

(Jerry & I)

(Havin fun in the mini forest)

(Sabah's Masjid Me, Jerry n Chi Yee)

(Cina gang, top frm left, Yap, Ming Fung, King Tat, Adrian..
down left, Chi Yee, Me, Jerry)
~J.K Of The Day~